The Elephant foot Yam comes out of the ground.
It seems to be someone planted a dragon tooth in the soil!
Two Elephant foot Yam plants come out of the ground.
The plant comes out of it's protective covering.
Elephant foot Yam plants.
Two Elephant foot Yam plants. The cooked tubers are
used as food.
Elephant foot Yam plants.
The stem of the Elephant foot Yam plant, has different
shades of green.
Other names of Elephant foot Yam plant
(Amorphophallus paeoniifolius):
Stink lily, Senai Kilangu, Suran.
Elephant foot Yam. (Upside down view)
Links (External)
1. Elephant foot Yam plants -
2. Elephant foot yam - Wikipedia
2. Tuber - Wikipedia
3. Elephant foot Yam tuber fry -