
Small And Very Small Flowers!

There are a large number of photos about big and mediun sized flowers in the internet.
So I decided to present some small and less photographed flowers!

Small Caltrops flower.Small Caltrops flower.

blue color flower.A small blue color flower.

Holy basil flowers.Holy basil flowers.

White color flowers.White color flowers. These flowers are very small.

white colored flowers.Some white colored flowers. We use this plant during the festival.

Violet color flower.Violet color flower.

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Some small flowers....


  1. It is nice to see some small flowers up close for a change. They are just as beautiful as the larger ones that are more commonly found on the internet.

  2. Even though small, they are beautiful flowers.

  3. I love to see the teeny weeney flowers of the weeds during my walks and often photograph them as well. They are just the cutest little tiny perfect and beautiful flowers, just like these pretty ones you show here! Love them!!!

  4. Lovely post. There is beauty in small things.:)
